Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Environment versus Trade - Caring for the Earth

Are the trade and environmental objectives on a collision path? How can we pre-empt such a clash in order to save mother earth?

The best solution to avoiding a clash between trade and climate change is to conclude the Doha Round and agree on an effective and comprehensive global climate change treaty. In the absence of either, here some suggestions:

  • Need for WTO members to negotiate “green space” to allow for enactment of national measures to combat climate change
  • Eliminate tariffs on environmental goods and services
  • Legalize environmental subsidies that encourage the development of green technologies and prohibit subsidies for fossil fuel
  • Members of the WTO should begin immediately to negotiate agreements to resolve the issues likely to arise from the enactment of national measures on climate change rather than leave those issues to eventual resolution in WTO dispute settlement
  • WTO rules should not be viewed solely as constraints on efforts to address climate change; these rules can and should be used affirmatively to help fight climate change

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