Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

Wisdom for MR. Tongue

"If only I could take back what I said!" Have you ever said that to yourself? Yes, we struggle to control our tongue. We can tame virtually any animal, but the tongue, due to our inherent imperfection, not one of humankind can get it tamed. So should we just resign ourselves to defeat? No! I would like to share with you some wise principles that would help us to gain more control over this small but powerful body member:

  • "In the abundance of words, there does not fail to be transgression, but the one keeping his lips in check is acting discreetly". The more we talk, the greater the risk that we will say something foolish or even harmful. Indeed the unbridled tongue can be like a fire, rapidly spreading hurtful gossip and slander. However, when we keep our lips in check, or think before we speak, we take into consideration the effect our words may have. In this way, we become known for discretion, and we gain the respect and confidence of others.

  • "We should be swift about hearing, slow about speaking and slow about getting angry". Others appreciate it when we listen closely to what they say, for in this way we show that we are not just interested but also respectful. But, what if someone says something hurtful or provocative? Then we must try to be slow to get angry or mad by not reacting in kind. Who knows the person may have been upset for some reason and may even apologise for his unkind remark. Do you find it hard to be slow about venting your great anger at someone who hurts you? Then give yourself some seconds and pray for self-control. Do not allow people to describe you as "paranoid," "bitter," "rowdy," "angry," man. In every situation, however tense or heated it is, always keep your cool

  • A mild tongue breaks no bone. Contrary to popular perceptions, mildness has strength. A mild answer, for example, can overcome opposition that seems as hard and inflexible as bone, perhaps because of anger or prejudice.

Appling such wisdom to our tongue, our words become dignifying, endearing, motivating, inspiring and thus making our world a peaceful place to cohabit with others, irrespective of race or religion.

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