Freitag, 15. April 2011

A way forward for Africa!!


What is happening in Africa today is a result of what has been going on for 400 or 500 years, from the "discovery" of Africa by Europe, through the period of darkness that engulfed the continent during the trans-Atlantic slave trade and through the Berlin Conference of 1885. That controversial gathering of the leading European powers, which precipitated the "scramble for Africa," we all know, took place without African consultation or representation. It created new boundaries in ancient kingdoms, and nation-states resulting in disjointed, inexplicable, tension-prone countries today.

During the colonial period, struggles were fought, exhaustingly, on so many fronts — for equality, for justice, for freedom — by politicians, intellectuals and common folk alike. At the end of the day, when the liberty was won, we found that we had not sufficiently reckoned with one incredibly important fact: If you take someone who has not really been in charge of himself for 300 years and tell him, "O.K., you are now free," he will not know where to begin.

This has ushered in the chaos in Africa today and the absence of logic in what we're doing. Africa's postcolonial disposition is the result of a people who have lost the habit of ruling themselves, forgotten their traditional way of thinking, embracing and engaging the world without sufficient preparation. We have also had difficulty running the systems foisted upon us at the dawn of independence by our colonial masters.

Because the West has had a long but uneven engagement with Africa, it is imperative that it also play an important role in forging solutions to Africa's myriad problems. This will require good will and concerted effort on the part of all those who share the weight of Africa's historical albatross.

For us Africans, we have to nurture and strengthen our democratic institutions — and strive for the freest and fairest elections possible. That will place the true candidates of the people in office. Within the fabric of a democracy, a free press can thrive and a strong justice system can flourish. The checks and balances and the laws needed to curb corruption will then naturally find a footing.

Nation's Official Secrets Act should make it legal to publish official government data and statistics — including accounts spent by or accruing to the government. This, simply, is consistent with the spirit and practice of democracy. The freedom of information bill should be a matter of must in every country.

And there has to be the development of a new patriotic consciousness, one based on an awareness of the responsibility of leaders to the led and disseminated by civil society, schools and intellectuals. It is from this kind of environment that a leader, humbled by the trust placed upon him by the people, will emerge, willing to use the power given to him for the good of the people.



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