1. um den heißen Brei herumreden
Literally: to talk around
the hot porridge
English equivalent: to beat around the bush
English equivalent: to beat around the bush
Da die
Wahl bald ist, spricht der Politiker oft um den heißen Brei herum.
(Since the election is soon, the politician beats around the bush often.)
(Since the election is soon, the politician beats around the bush often.)
2. Da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen
Literally: You can take
poison on that
English equivalent: You can bet your life on that
English equivalent: You can bet your life on that
Tages wird er berühmt sein. Da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen.
(One day he will be famous. You can bet your life on that.)
(One day he will be famous. You can bet your life on that.)
3. sich zum Affen machen
Literally: to make an ape
of oneself
English equivalent: to make a fool of oneself
English equivalent: to make a fool of oneself
wird die Arbeitsstelle nicht bekommen. Während des Interviews hat er sich zum Affen
(Hans will not get the job. He made a fool of himself during the interview.)
(Hans will not get the job. He made a fool of himself during the interview.)
4. zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen
Literally: kill two flies
with one swat
English equivalent: to kill two birds with one stone
English equivalent: to kill two birds with one stone
Da ich
zwei Besorgungen im Standzentrum machen muss, kann ich zwei Fliegen mit einer
Klappe schlagen!
(Since I must run errands to run in the city center, I can kill two birds with one stone!)
(Since I must run errands to run in the city center, I can kill two birds with one stone!)
5. eine Extrawurst verlangen
Literally: to ask for an
extra sausage
English Equivalent: to ask for special treatment
English Equivalent: to ask for special treatment
Da er
der Sohn des Chefs ist, verlangt er immer eine Extrawurst.
(Because he is the son of the boss, he always asks for special treatment.)
(Because he is the son of the boss, he always asks for special treatment.)
6. Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen
Literally: put heaven and
hell in motion
English equivalent: to move heaven and earth
English equivalent: to move heaven and earth
Er wird
Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen um zwei Karten für das Konzert zu bekommen.
(He will move heaven and earth to get two tickets to the concert.)
(He will move heaven and earth to get two tickets to the concert.)
7. Da steppt der Bär
Literally: The bear
dances there
English Equivalent: It will be a good party
English Equivalent: It will be a good party
gehe heute Abend zu Maria. Da steppt der Bär!
(I’m going to Maria’s tonight. It will be a good party!) A close relative to the dancing bear is the burning air. It’s a similar phrase with an identical meaning: Da brennt die Luft!
(I’m going to Maria’s tonight. It will be a good party!) A close relative to the dancing bear is the burning air. It’s a similar phrase with an identical meaning: Da brennt die Luft!
8. Tomaten auf den Augen haben
Literally: to have
tomatoes on one’s eyes
English Equivalent: to be oblivious to what is going around you
English Equivalent: to be oblivious to what is going around you
Freund von Anna betrügt sie aber sie hat Tomaten auf den Augen.
(Anna’s boyfriend is cheating on her but she’s oblivious to what’s going on.)
(Anna’s boyfriend is cheating on her but she’s oblivious to what’s going on.)
9. den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen
Literally: to hit the
nail on the head
English Equivalent: to hit the nail on the head
English Equivalent: to hit the nail on the head
Du hast
recht! Du hast den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen.
(You are right! You’ve hit the nail on the head.)
(You are right! You’ve hit the nail on the head.)
10. Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof
Literally: I can only
understand “train station.”
English equivalent: It’s all Greek to me.
English equivalent: It’s all Greek to me.
du seinen Dialekt verstehen? Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.
(Do you understand his dialect? It’s all Greek to me.)
(Do you understand his dialect? It’s all Greek to me.)
11. weggehen wie warme Semmeln
Literally: to go like
warm rolls
English equivalent: to go or sell like hot cakes
English equivalent: to go or sell like hot cakes
Kekse, die Stefan gebacken hat, gehen weg wie warme Semmeln.
(The cookies that Stefan baked are going like hot cakes.)
(The cookies that Stefan baked are going like hot cakes.)
12. seinen Senf dazugeben
Literally: to add their
English equivalent: to put their two cents in
English equivalent: to put their two cents in
spricht zu viel. Er muss immer seinen Senf dazugeben.
(Peter talks too much. He always has to put his two cents in.)
(Peter talks too much. He always has to put his two cents in.)
13. jdm. die Daumen drücken
Literally: to squeeze
your thumbs for someone
English equivalent: to keep one’s fingers crossed for someone
English equivalent: to keep one’s fingers crossed for someone
Glück! Ich drücke dir die Daumen!
(Good luck! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!)
(Good luck! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!)
14. etw. wie seine Westentasche
Literally: to know something
like one’s waistcoat pocket
English equivalent: to know it like the back of one’s hand.
English equivalent: to know it like the back of one’s hand.
Berlin werde ich mich niemals verirren. Ich kenne es wie meine Westentasche.
(I will never get lost in Berlin. I know it like the back of my hand.)
(I will never get lost in Berlin. I know it like the back of my hand.)
15. Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben
Literally: Don’t praise
the day before the evening.
English equivalent: Don’t count your chicks before they hatch.
English equivalent: Don’t count your chicks before they hatch.
nicht, dass Argentinien die Weltmeisterschaft gewinnen wird. Man soll den Tag
nicht vor dem Abend loben!
(Don’t say that Argentina will win the World Cup. Don’t count your chicks before they hatch!)
(Don’t say that Argentina will win the World Cup. Don’t count your chicks before they hatch!)
16. jdm. ein Ohr abkauen
Literally: to chew
someone’s ear off
English equivalent: to talk someone’s ear off
English equivalent: to talk someone’s ear off
Kind kann nicht still sein. Es kaut mir ein Ohr ab.
(This child cannot be silent. He is talking my ear off.)
(This child cannot be silent. He is talking my ear off.)
Literally: clear as dumpling broth
English equivalent: crystal clear
English equivalent: crystal clear
Verstehst du mich? Ist es klar wie Kloßbrühe?
Do you understand me? Is it crystal clear?
Do you understand me? Is it crystal clear?
18. dumm wie Bohnenstroh
Literally: as dumb as a
bean straw
English equivalent: as thick as a brick
English equivalent: as thick as a brick
redet nur Quatsch. Er ist dumm wie Bohnenstroh.
(He talks only nonsense. He is as thick as a brick.)
(He talks only nonsense. He is as thick as a brick.)
19. die Kirche im Dorf lassen
Literally: to leave the
church in the village
English equivalent: to not get carried away
English equivalent: to not get carried away
Film war nur OK. Bitte lass die Kirche im Dorf.
(The film was only OK. Please don’t get carried away.)
(The film was only OK. Please don’t get carried away.)
20. Schwein haben
Literally: to have a pig
English equivalent: to have a stroke of luck
English equivalent: to have a stroke of luck
er nicht für den Test gelernt hat, hat er den Test bestanden. Er hat Schwein
(Although he didn’t study, he passed the test. He had a stroke of luck!)
(Although he didn’t study, he passed the test. He had a stroke of luck!)
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