Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011

Related Souls through God’s particle

Some Europeans claim that our African ancestors had no culture and that we inherited
only a tabula rasa, a complete void, assuming that we had to begin all over again. They always come up with this wooden hammer-like argument that: “we are more charmed by the music, by the sound of words, rather than by their substance and meaning”.
I feel very well about what is true and what is false about these assertions. My Parents had educated me with pride about their names and their origin. I also feel very comfortable and had learned and experienced in my childhood that in Africa, there was a distinct culture, a culture characterized by feudal structures, by poetry and songs and by commerce and trade.
Certainly I have the feeling that all too often our heart triumphs over the mind, and that we, though not exclusively, at least initially and primarily, hear the sensory properties of the words : their sound and color, their rhythm their structure.
With my encounter and long stay with European folks, I decided, henceforth, to understand and prove everything through the the sieve of a critical thinking and intellectual analyses. After coming in contact with the works of European intellectuals: with works by
philosophers and historians, I cannot help but to agree that the great Greek culture was in fact a hybrid product of all races-Africans, Asians Europeans etc., whose souls are related through God’s particle.
Did the German ethnologist, Leo Frobenius, not teach us that every folk has its own culture, a spiritual infrastructure from which the feelings and thoughts, the customs and institutions, the religion and the art of this people emerged? He showed us that "the idea of the barbaric Negro is a European creation; that the Negro is characterized by his ability, not by facts, but" the nature of life expressions "to be able to move and to express this in a" direct, unaffected and serious“style, and that the soul of the Negro is related to to the German soul.
“Each one of us is a Greek in his own right, but he’s “wrote Goethe
The Greek wonder is explained by the fact that, after a human history of around one million years, just in a few centuries, they were able to illuminate the original darkness or mystery of creation through the creative light of the mind. The Greek wonder was not only the accomplishment of philosophers and scholars, not only of Aristotle and Archimedes, but also of Greek dramatists, and even of Aeschylus, Aristophanes. The wonder is this very theater, which is poetry, this poetry, which is music and dance, paradoxically, but not without sense and reason, as in black Africa.
Above all, the peculiarity of the Greek wonder is that, the Greeks did not trivialize humans like the Renaissance and the modern era, which have set the notion of the "barbaric and uncivilized Negro" in the world, while Herodotus still held the black for the "most beautiful" of all people and Homer called them "flawless" human.
The Greek saw humans as a whole (a whole with many parts) in equilibrium with their genetic make-up and in harmony with their life expressions: with body and soul, emotion, and reason. The „Homomediterraneus", which created this culture was a hybrid of variety-European, Asian and African- races.

We Africans, who through geography, prehistory and history, and not least through racial mixing have been referred to our place in the tropics, between the jungle and the Mediterranean, want to put in place instead of a Africa of ghettos and resentment, a Africa that is rooted in the "jungle", and simultaneously remains open to the Mediterranean Sea, which serves as the Bridge to Asia as well as to America. And as far as the harmonizing, through complementary supplementation, of our antagonisms, contradictions and differences are concerned, so we want to achieve this harmony, each as a single individual in ourselves, but at the same time help to ensure that every nation is capable of achieving such self harmony. In so doing, Step by step, we can see the creation of a world culture, which will be a joint a project of all different cultures, since all continents, all peoples and all nations will be involved in it.

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